Preservation Hack: DIY Remedies for Repairing Cracked Plaster Walls

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to effectively repair cracked plaster walls. If you’ve noticed unsightly cracks on your walls, don’t worry! Cracked plaster is a common issue that can be easily fixed with the right techniques and tools. In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and valuable insights to help you restore the beauty of your walls. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a beginner, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Cracked Plaster Walls

Before we delve into the repair process, it’s essential to understand why plaster walls crack in the first place. Cracks can occur due to various factors such as structural movement, settling of the building, moisture, temperature changes, or even poor application of the plaster itself. Identifying the root cause of the cracks will help you determine the most appropriate solution.

Tools and Materials You’ll Need

To get started, gather the following tools and materials:

  1. Putty knife – for removing loose plaster and applying repair compounds.
  2. Sandpaper – to smooth out rough edges after the repair.
  3. Plaster adhesive – to strengthen the bond between the plaster and the wall.
  4. Plaster compound – for filling in the cracks and creating a smooth surface.
  5. Fiberglass mesh tape – to reinforce the repaired area.
  6. Primer – to ensure proper adhesion of the paint.
  7. Paint – to give your walls a fresh and finished look.

Step-by-Step Repair Process

Step 1: Preparation

Start by preparing the damaged area. Use a putty knife to remove any loose or crumbling plaster around the cracks. Clean the area thoroughly to ensure proper adhesion of the repair materials. If there are any protruding nails or screws, make sure to secure them tightly or remove them if necessary.

Step 2: Applying Plaster Adhesive

Next, apply a layer of plaster adhesive to the cracked area. This adhesive will create a strong bond between the existing plaster and the repair compound, ensuring a durable and long-lasting solution. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the application process and drying time.

Step 3: Filling in the Cracks

Once the plaster adhesive has dried, it’s time to fill in the cracks. Using a putty knife, carefully apply the plaster compound to the damaged area. Make sure to spread the compound evenly, slightly overfilling the cracks to allow for shrinkage during drying. Smooth out the surface using the putty knife and let it dry completely.

Step 4: Reinforcing with Fiberglass Mesh Tape

To reinforce the repaired area and prevent future cracks, apply a layer of fiberglass mesh tape over the dried plaster compound. Press the tape firmly onto the surface, ensuring it covers the entire repaired section. This tape will provide additional strength and stability to the repaired wall.

Step 5: Applying Additional Layers

Depending on the depth of the cracks, you may need to apply multiple layers of plaster compound. Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next one. Be sure to feather the edges of each layer to blend it seamlessly with the surrounding wall. Repeat this process until the repaired area is smooth and level with the rest of the wall.

Step 6: Sanding and Smoothing

Once all the layers have dried, use sandpaper to gently smooth out any rough edges or imperfections. Be careful not to sand too aggressively, as it may damage the repaired area. Aim for a smooth and even surface that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding plaster.

Step 7: Priming and Painting

The final step is to prime the repaired area before painting. Apply a thin coat of primer using a brush or roller, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Allow the primer to dry completely before applying the paint. Choose a color that matches your existing wall, and apply the paint evenly to achieve a seamless finish.


Congratulations on successfully repairing your cracked plaster walls! By following our step-by-step guide, you’ve learned how to identify the causes of cracks, gather the necessary tools and materials, and execute the repair process with precision. Remember, patience and attention to detail are key to achieving professional-looking results. Now you can enjoy your restored walls, knowing that you’ve tackled this DIY project like a pro. Happy repairing!